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    The Voice of Your Dreams: Turn Down the Voices of Limitation and Turn Up the Volume of Success

    By Aaron Anastasi

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    In a how-to saturated culture, we often know the path to the things we want in life. If we would just stay on that path, then success (vocationally, relationally, and financially) is a likely byproduct... right?! 

    The problem comes when we allow our limiting voices, our negative self-talk, to continually derail us from that path. 

    The more insidious part is that we usually don't even realize we're being guided by these internal voices, because we've become so accustomed to living with them. We instead begin to believe that their whisperings are simply the truth about life.

    This book will show you how to silence limiting voices--that may be impeding your progress--and help you to live into the greatest version of you. 

    The voice of your dreams is calling to you, but it can be difficult to hear--and follow--when the voices of limitation are shouting so much louder.

    It's time to heed the call.


    "This book is packed full of insights and encouragements to guide you on a steady path to achieve a bigger and more fearless life!"
    --Nathan Chapman (Two/time Grammy Award winning record producer: Taylor Swift, Shania Twain, Lady Antebellum)

    "Wise, witty and wonderful! A life transforming book with humor up its sleeve."
    --Robert Allen Ackerman (Three/time Emmy nominated Director)

    "For all the dreamers out there (which should be all of us), this book is an amazingly detailed, step by step guide to turning those dreams into reality. Not only can this book lead to a bigger bolder life, but a more healthy and whole one as well."
    --Cress Williams (Series Regular Actor: CW's Hart of Dixie, FOX's Prison Break)

    "Trade in 'Someday' for now. The Voice of Your Dreams will show you the way."
    --Dane Sanders (Author of Fast Track Photography)

    "A must read! This book calls me to question my doubts and my fears, to silence the negative thoughts that would make me less."
    --Josiah Hawley (Top 10 Finalist on NBC's The Voice)

    "This book left a deep and lasting impression on me. While the concepts were profound, the delivery was relatable and easy to understand. I'll be referencing this book over and over."
    --Kelly Johnson (Celebrity Wardrobe Stylist: Jennifer Lopez, Nazanin Boniadi)
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