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    Rowan’s Primer of EEG

    By Lara V. Marcuse

    What do you think about this eBook?


    The new edition of Rowan’s Primer of EEG continues to provide clear, concise guidance on the difficult technical aspects of how to perform and interpret EEGs. Practical yet brief, it is perfectly suited for students, residents, and neurologists alike, while included reference material will be continually useful, even to the experienced doctor.

    • Features brief, to-the-point text with easily understandable language for quick reference.
    • Portable design makes it simple to carry anywhere.
    • Concise, reader-friendly format features improved 4-color design and online quiz-format assessment questions within each chapter.
    • Includes the new nomenclature for EEGs put forth by the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society.
    • Features a greater focus on pediatrics content and includes online videos detailing clinical descriptions of seizures and EEG interpretation.
    • Delivers a concise chart of the EEG changes through the neonatal period.
    • Offers enhanced coverage of epilepsy syndromes with a quick-access chart highlighting age of onset, prognosis, clinical characteristics, and EEG characteristics.
    Download eBook Link updated in 2017
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