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    Crime Superbook Book 11. Youth Crime Guide (Real-Life Crime, Bullying,…

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    Crime Superbook Book 11. Youth Crime Guide (Real-Life Crime, Bullying, Internet Safety)

    By Tony Kelbrat

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    This book is about helping children and young people protect themselves and be protected from crime, bullying and negative influences in:

    the real world

    Children are naïve. They can sound and act intelligent but they have an idealistic view of life they got from school and TV.

    Many simply don’t understand that there are many bad people in sheep’s clothing looking to exploit them.

    Children can be the biggest victims of crimes. You don't want to make them paranoid but short of not telling them not to talk to strangers, you have to keep an eye on them all the time.

    You have to sit down with them and tell them straight up that no one has the right to look at or touch them in their private parts. Most of them will intuitively understand what you mean. Children are more intelligent than most of us give them credit for.

    Starting at three years old, educate them about the possibility of being abducted by a stranger. Tell them about strangers luring them away such as saying they lost their dog, could you help them find it.

    Don't fall for compliments, an offer of candy or money. A savvy kid is not docile. He knows that he must make a scene if he's being threatened. He knows his address and how to call 911.

    Practice screaming with them. Buy them a whistle to wear when walking to school. Teach them to call 911 and run and holler if someone tries to abduct them.

    The bottom line is that you just mustn't leave children under six unattended ever. If they have to run to escape somebody, teach them to run to a woman because men are the criminals out there and a would be rescuer could be a pervert seizing an easy opportunity.

    Despite what we teach our children, they can easily be lured by a charming stranger to get close enough to be abducted. You have to somehow drill it into them to be wary of strangers especially men.

    If they're home alone, instruct them not to open the door to strangers no matter who it is. Don't even say a peep. One girl hollered through the door that she's not allowed to open the door so that told the guy that there were no adults home and he got what he wanted. This was a child murder case in Toronto.

    Teach them to run to public places if threatened like the donut shop or the corner store. Teach them to stand up for themselves and not take any guff from local bullies.

    You could enroll them in a YMCA or other martial arts class. Consider a block parent program which is a network of several homes in the neighborhood that the children can run to if they're threatened in any way. Take photographs and videos of your children and get them fingerprinted.

    As a good human being, if you ever see any abuse within a family whether it be a father hitting his children too hard, hitting his wife, neglecting children, sexual assault, abusing elders, etc., you should consider it your duty to make an anonymous call to the police to report it.

    If you're ever the victim of a crime and the scumbag gets caught, don't be cynical and refuse to testify. Go to court and put them away. People blame crime on poverty and racism, I blame it on the inherent evilness in some people. Don't feel sorry for crooks.

    Teach children to know what their genitals are and know if an adult is touching them inappropriately.

    Teach children to trust new adults they come across without getting to know them.

    Teach children not to fall for bribes or dares/ challenges from strangers/ adults.

    Teach children when answering the phone to never say the parent is not home. Just say leave a message, I'll tell her.

    Teach child to not open doors to strangers.

    Teach child to tell you any secret an adult told them to keep.

    You can't raise a timid child. Tell your child to speak up to strangers if threatened and tell you if something happened.

    Weak children from unhappy homes often welcome attention from strangers. Give your child enough love so he doesn't go looking for it t
    Download eBook Link updated in 2017
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