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    Your Perfect Presentation: Speak in Front of Any Audience Anytime…

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    Your Perfect Presentation: Speak in Front of Any Audience Anytime Anywhere and Never Be Nervous Again

    By Bill Hoogterp

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    "Bill's Own the Room methodology has helped countless speakers play at a higher level."

    —Sheryl Sandberg, COO of FACEBOOK

    Overcome Your Fear and Deliver Dynamic Presentations

    Your style is perfect for you. Public speaking coach to the C-suite Bill Hoogterp shows you proven tips, techniques, and exercises to amplify your effectiveness as a speaker and communicator. He explains how the brain processes information, what people respond to, and how to hold the audience in the palm of your hand.

    Great public speaking can be learned. Hoogterp's unique method turns fear into fun and shows you how to be your natural, authentic, unique self--and deliver your perfect presentation for any audience each and every time.

    "Improving your ability to communicate will increase your potential to have impact on the world, no matter what you do. Bill Hoogterp and the Own the Room team will show you how—and they'll make it fun." -- Reid Hoffman, cofounder and chairman of LinkedIn and coauthor of The Start-Up of You

    "Bill Hoogterp is one of the best public speaking coaches in the world today. He helps you become the star." -- Joichi Ito, director of the MIT Media Lab

    "A must-have reference for anyone who wants to be a better leader in any business. . . the ticket to own whatever room you're in." -- from the foreword by Maggie Murphy, editor in chief of Parade magazine

    “Love Bill Hoogterp’s new book, Your Perfect Presentation, that helps readers learn to thrive in front of any audience.” -- Arianna Huffington

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