Dena Bain Taylor is an experienced teacher of writing and critical skills across the range of allied health professions, and understands the types of writing nursing and midwifery students do and the writing issues they face. Her accessible, straightforward book - tailored specifically to the content and conventions of nursing and midwifery curricula - teaches students to write persuasively and correctly, both to support them in their courses and to prepare them for their professional careers.
The book:
- offers practical strategies for using language to achieve clear, persuasive writing;
- provides clear explanations of underlying principles;
- contains samples of good and improvable writing, leading the student step-by-step through the whole writing process;
- focuses on the genres and styles of writing that nursing and midwifery students are typically asked for.
With regular summaries, learning aids, checklists and a glossary of key terms, nursing and midwifery students at all levels will find this book easy to follow and handy to refer to for help with the writing they need to do throughout their course.