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    Wise Money Superbook: 9 Books on the Frugal-Smart Approach to Life

    By Tony Kelbrat

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    The nine books all together as the Wise Money Superbook are as follows:

    Book 1. Spiritual Money-Materialism Guide
    Book 2. Practical Common-Sense Money Guide
    Book 3. Frugal Lifestyle-Simple Living Guide
    Book 4. Frugal Food & Recipe Guide
    Book 5. Free Stuff Guide: Coupons, Unclaimed Assets & Legal Services
    Book 6. Buy-Sell on the Cheap Guide: Online, Garage Sales, Thrift Stores, etc.
    Book 7. Free & Low-Cost Medical Care-Drug Guide
    Book 8. Consumer Superbook: Protect Yourself from Scams & Shoddy Service
    Book 9. Social Assistance, Charity & Social Security Guide

    I had to sell the Free Grant Money Guide (about ways for individuals and groups to get free money from the government and foundations) because this Wise Money Superbook was so big that the Amazon conversion machine wouldn’t crunch it so I had to remove it.

    Some of the books are also sold as singles.

    This book is about information to help you if you’re low on money or want to live a clutter-free life focused on doing things rather than owning things.

    The Wise Money Superbook is for people dealing with right here and now, trying to get the best deals on things, trying to live frugally, etc., generally people who don’t earn much or own much. Life can be better that way because it’s simpler. Money can only bring you happiness to the point that it pays all your bills for a modestly comfortable life.

    Beyond that is material excess which is a sin to me as a Christian man (the sin of gluttony plus you covet your neighbor’s goods when you take more than you need from the Earth’s bounty while others starve everyday).

    The Native Indians understood that you take what you need and that’s it. It’s a sacred balance. Our culture of greed helps create a sense of fear, greed and brings out the evil in people. Just watch Forensic Files or American Greed on TV or youtube to see what evil things people have done for money.

    So what if you sit in a big mansion with a nice view on a 300 acre estate. You feel good from what you do not sitting in one place collecting stuff.

    Happiness comes from touching the transcendence within you. Do something hard and feel it.

    Life should be time to do what you want not to be a pig. Just because you can afford a big mansion does not mean it’s right. Even though you earned the money, there is something wrong with anybody who engages in extreme frivolity while UNICEF reports that about 30,000 children die every single day of preventable diseases.

    If there is a God watching over us or some spiritual overlords, they will never allow the human race to be worthy of them until it shares the bounty of the planet by taking care of everyone no matter what with no one living in extreme excess. This will not happen as long as we live in a greed-driven capitalist system where for-profit corporations control the media. We live in a horrible world. The human race will suck as a species until the people unite to change it. Politicians won’t do it because they’re part of this pigpen. The people have to unite and do it.

    Having a lot more money than you need can be a bad thing because it gives you the opportunity to over-indulge in your weaknesses and self-destruct. Some people buy a bunch of junk and sit around watching crap on TV or doing inane things. Golf courses use up enormous amounts of water and energy so a bunch of boring people with nothing better to do can hit a ball around meanwhile there’s a homeless kid a few miles away.

    Some people eat themselves silly. Some people get into drugs and alcohol. Some people hire sex workers.

    There is a sense of inner accountability for noble people. It goes back to Wolfgang Goethe’s Faustus. Life is not meant to be a series of frivolous sensual pleasures. Sensual pleasures are fine as a piece of life, not the whole thing. It’s meant to try to do something great with what you got.

    Life is spirit. That’s all it will be ...
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