Small Business Marketing Ideas to
Dramatically Boost Your Profits
with less work, less hassle
and fewer headaches
Small business marketing is the lifeblood of any business hoping to succeed in today's dire economy.
But it's not just a matter of sending out email marketing, direct mail, placing print advertising, or throwing good money after bad on SEO, Adwords, sales, Social Media Marketing and whatever other trendy forms of Internet Marketing are fashionable at the time.
Because before you can expect any of that to work for you, you have to have the kind of business that attracts top-quality customers and clients willing, able and even eager to pay you top whack for your products and services.

Look... if you are struggling with cruddy customers and clients, price-buyers who slash your fees and prices, are almost impossible to satisfy and are then glacially slow to pay, then where does the responsibility lie?
If your customers suck... do you know whose fault it is?
It's... YOURS.
And they suck... because YOU LET THEM.
Why do I say this?
Because everyone you do business with is someone you agreed to do business with. You can argue you had no idea what they were going to turn out like, but in that case it's still your fault for not having your Bullshit Filters in place. You want to charge premium prices, then you've got to change your game... from the inside.
So here's the deal...
What I share with you in this book may well leave you feeling very uncomfortable. I say this because I know much of it is unconventional, counter-intuitive and just plain 'wrong' according to the common wisdom.
But just think on this before you dismiss it: 80% of businesses go out of business in the first five years of trading.
That's 'normal'.
And you get these 'normal' results from doing the 'normal' things.
If you want different results, you've got to be doing different things.
A quote from Einstein might come in handy here:
'Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'
So, please. Read this book with an open mind.
What you'll discover in it has not only worked well for me, but it's worked well for my clients, too.
If you follow the guidelines I share with you here you will, I promise, no longer have customers and clients who suck.
About the Author
Is there a reason so many Multimillionaire Entrepreneurs from the US have paid Jon for his Marketing genius, 4,000 miles and a half-dozen time zones away at a ruinous exchange rate rather than use good ol' homegrown talent?
Of course there is.
And it ain't because of his height, hair or good looks...
Jon's clients include Chris Cardell, the UK’s No 1 marketing educator (who incidentally described Jon as “my marketing righthand man”), several members of both his and Dan Kennedy’s Platinum Inner Circles, as well as dozens of business owners on both sides of the Atlantic.
Jon has been featured in the Irish Times, Bill Glazer’s book, Outrageous Advertising, and has ghostwritten for at least one big name you would definitely recognize.
Quite simply Jon has earned his nickname of "The Evil Bald Genius" because of his tell-it-like-it-is way of leading struggling business owners into the land of profit-plenty.
Don't take his word for it - read the book and make up your own mind.