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    Understanding SQL and Java Together: A Guide to SQLJ, JDBC,…

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    Understanding SQL and Java Together: A Guide to SQLJ, JDBC, and Related Technologies (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)

    By Jim Melton

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    With the growth of Java and the rise of database-powered Web applications, the need to use Java with SQL is clear. Until now, authoritative coverage of the techniques available to meet these challenges and reap their benefits-both programming and career benefits-didn't exist.

    Understanding SQL and Java Together examines all the standards for combining SQL and Java. It shows you exactly how to use their features to write efficient and effective code supporting Java access to SQL data in a variety of ways. You'll gain a thorough understanding of the relationship between SQL and Java, which will allow you to write static and dynamic SQL programs in Java, merge Java code with SQL databases and SQL code, and use other data management techniques wherever appropriate.

    * Covers all the technologies for using SQL and Java together, including JDBC, Java Blend, and SQLJ Parts 0, 1, and 2
    * Explains how to embed SQL code in Java and take advantage of Java's ability to compile that code for a specific DBMS
    * Explains how to store and invoke Java routines in an SQL database-and how to store Java objects in an SQL database for seamless interchange among application layers
    * Covers dynamic SQL access techniques using JDBC and advantageous ways to combine static and dynamic SQL
    * Comes with a CD-ROM containing Oracle's JDeveloper , Sybase's Adaptive Server Anywhere, Informix's Cloudscape, the complete database schema, and the complete text of most of the examples

    Download eBook Link updated in 2017
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