At a time when cost cutting and redundancies are a grim reality, many people are looking around for new ways to generate some income. When they are looking for assets to realise, very often the last place they look is within their brains. If you have spent a lifetime making deposits into your Bank of Knowledge, now is the time to make a withdrawal. Knowledge can be turned into income in a variety of ways. Chris Day's book is full of ideas to help you identify what you know that could be of value to others, and then shows you what to do to turn it into knowledge based products - and to sell them at a profit. Along with expert contributions from top authors like Brian Mayne, Ron G Holland, John S Rushton, David Barber and Colin Bennett, plus marketing and PR advice from Jonathan Jay and Ray Hodges, this book is crammed with practical information and advice to help turn your knowledge into income.
Chris Day is a business journalist. He writes a monthly column in Making Money Magazine. In 2000, he founded Filament Publishing Ltd to help niche authors to overcome the obstacles to getting their book published, and to help them to market them at a profit to themselves.
Chris Day is a business journalist. He writes a monthly column in Making Money Magazine. In 2000, he founded Filament Publishing Ltd to help niche authors to overcome the obstacles to getting their book published, and to help them to market them at a profit to themselves.