“Tim China” a man from a humble Welsh farming
family who became one of the most influential
shapers of 19th century China during its emergence
from over 250 years of Manchu [Qing] rule.
His achievements were many – from the founding
of the first western style university at Shansi – still
in existence today – to the establishment of the first
international famine relief organisation.
His motivation brought mobile medical facilities
that dispensed modern medicines and techniques
to a disbelieving population thus countering regular
epidemics. His vision of providing wealth to the
nation by industrialisation brought him to the
attention of the ruling classes. His final role – adviser
to the Emperor as the revolution unfolded.
He died in obscurity after returning to London
family who became one of the most influential
shapers of 19th century China during its emergence
from over 250 years of Manchu [Qing] rule.
His achievements were many – from the founding
of the first western style university at Shansi – still
in existence today – to the establishment of the first
international famine relief organisation.
His motivation brought mobile medical facilities
that dispensed modern medicines and techniques
to a disbelieving population thus countering regular
epidemics. His vision of providing wealth to the
nation by industrialisation brought him to the
attention of the ruling classes. His final role – adviser
to the Emperor as the revolution unfolded.
He died in obscurity after returning to London