What this book can do for you:
- Be aware of, reconcile and solve money issues before it's too late.
- Relieve stress of money problems.
- Obtain peace of mind by having a path and plan to obtain financial success together.
- Achieve financial confidence.
- Improve your relationship.
- Protect yourself, your money and your family from financial errors you may not even know you are committing.
- Advice on what to look out for especially with taxes, investments, second + marriages.
- Create financial abundance, financial security, a better life and keep the love alive.
- Settling and marrying the wrong person.
- Financial quicksand--once you get stuck it is nearly impossible to escape.
- Every day stress and frustration from money issues.
- Divorce.
- Issues associated with remarriage you are not aware of.
- Feelings of loss of hope, never ending debt, and not getting ahead.
- Wasting of hundreds of thousands of dollars you will be earning over your working years.