In 1957, Dr. Corbett Thigpen and his colleague, Dr. Hervey Cleckley published a book called The Three Faces of Eve. It sold 2 million copies. In the same year Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation would release a film by the same name. Joanne Woodward won the best actress Oscar for her role as Eve. The movie though based on a true story, didn’t tell the whole story. Chris Costner Sizemore is the woman the story is based on. The Rape of Eve completes that story. The Rape of Eve will show how Dr. Thigpen, her psychiatrist and doctor, the one person she thought she could trust would take advantage of, control and exploit his patient for five decades, how he would sell Chris Sizemore’s lifetime story rights to Twentieth Century Fox and only compensate her $3.00, $1.00 for each personality, how he would sell portions of her medical record for his monetary gain, and how he acted as her agent, book editor, legal advisor and engaged in unethical behaviors with Chris but was never held accountable. The Eric Hoffer Award Finalist 2013