Andrea Clay receives a birthday card...
from her daughter, the same daughter who has been missing for the past four years. People can be cruel, very cruel, but is this just another hoax... or could it actually be real?
Henry Manningwell is tired...
but then a diet of lager, chinese take aways and indigestion tablets are hardly the staples for a healthy life. He needs to regain his vigour, his enthusiasm, his purpose. That's easier said than done.
DCI Adrian Howard has a new job...
but looking after budgets and overseeing a cost cutting exercise isn’t what he had in mind.
Whilst Amelia Clay just wants to be found.
from her daughter, the same daughter who has been missing for the past four years. People can be cruel, very cruel, but is this just another hoax... or could it actually be real?
Henry Manningwell is tired...
but then a diet of lager, chinese take aways and indigestion tablets are hardly the staples for a healthy life. He needs to regain his vigour, his enthusiasm, his purpose. That's easier said than done.
DCI Adrian Howard has a new job...
but looking after budgets and overseeing a cost cutting exercise isn’t what he had in mind.
Whilst Amelia Clay just wants to be found.