The Beginners Guide to Gluten Free - Sprouted - Organic - Low & Moderate Oxalate Recipes for Mitochondria Energy and Function, a health must in Nutrigenomics and Epigenetics Wellness. Supporting via Nutrition the enzyme function of DAO, MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, COMT, & others vital to methylation.
The Healthy Mito Cookbook by SnowDrop Herbals is based on a diet that is targeted toward several Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and Intracellular nutrition. Key enzyme functions are regulated by SNPs within our DNA, and play a role in how the body reacts to certain foods, medicines, and environmental triggers. They also keep our mitochondria and Krebs cycle, the powerhouse of our bodies, running properly. These functions create the energy needed to make us feel healthy and happy, while keeping our body systems stable, and assist in regulating AutoImmune and Adrenal function.
Through lifestyle and dietary modifications, many SNP Variant expressions can be regulated so that our bodies are better able to deal with stress, gain nutritional absorption, reduce inflammation, and even reverse cell permeability issues within the gastro-intestinal tract.
This cookbook has delicious, easy-to-make, organic, and whole food recipes that may help stabilize body systems. The recipes are a mix of gluten-free, low-carbohydrate, moderate-oxalate, and nutritionally dense dishes. They are rich in herbs, whole foods, and spices, all of which support synergistic healing.
This diet works for me, and I have an induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction which is an AutoImmune Dis-ease, as well as for many friends and family members. This is not strictly Paleo, as many people do need certain grains, others do not, yet all the recipes can easily be adjusted for your needs or issues. I believe this cookbook will work for you, too! You CAN reduce inflammation, pain, and optimize nutritional status with real foods and herbs, with help via recipes that are quick and easy to use.
Enclosed are tips, alternate food suggestions, and a Nutrition tracker sheet for both adults and children to keep track of intake per day.
To Your Wellness,
M Hurley ~ SnowDrop Herbals
The Healthy Mito Cookbook by SnowDrop Herbals is based on a diet that is targeted toward several Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and Intracellular nutrition. Key enzyme functions are regulated by SNPs within our DNA, and play a role in how the body reacts to certain foods, medicines, and environmental triggers. They also keep our mitochondria and Krebs cycle, the powerhouse of our bodies, running properly. These functions create the energy needed to make us feel healthy and happy, while keeping our body systems stable, and assist in regulating AutoImmune and Adrenal function.
Through lifestyle and dietary modifications, many SNP Variant expressions can be regulated so that our bodies are better able to deal with stress, gain nutritional absorption, reduce inflammation, and even reverse cell permeability issues within the gastro-intestinal tract.
This cookbook has delicious, easy-to-make, organic, and whole food recipes that may help stabilize body systems. The recipes are a mix of gluten-free, low-carbohydrate, moderate-oxalate, and nutritionally dense dishes. They are rich in herbs, whole foods, and spices, all of which support synergistic healing.
This diet works for me, and I have an induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction which is an AutoImmune Dis-ease, as well as for many friends and family members. This is not strictly Paleo, as many people do need certain grains, others do not, yet all the recipes can easily be adjusted for your needs or issues. I believe this cookbook will work for you, too! You CAN reduce inflammation, pain, and optimize nutritional status with real foods and herbs, with help via recipes that are quick and easy to use.
Enclosed are tips, alternate food suggestions, and a Nutrition tracker sheet for both adults and children to keep track of intake per day.
To Your Wellness,
M Hurley ~ SnowDrop Herbals