The Countdown to Christmas starts here Housekeepers!
Ah Christmas… a month long bundle of glitter sprinkled joy, liberally decorated with a whole lot of chaos!
But no more my Darlings, because this year BrocanteHome is charging to the rescue with the Christmas Countdown, a scrumptious little book designed to make this Christmas the best you ever had, spurring you on with the most scrumptious of festive puttery treats, daily encouragement, Christmas planning, and of course a dash of charm…
With one charming little meditation for every day of the thirty day countdown to Christmas, this is answer to festive bliss? I promise…
Ah Christmas… a month long bundle of glitter sprinkled joy, liberally decorated with a whole lot of chaos!
But no more my Darlings, because this year BrocanteHome is charging to the rescue with the Christmas Countdown, a scrumptious little book designed to make this Christmas the best you ever had, spurring you on with the most scrumptious of festive puttery treats, daily encouragement, Christmas planning, and of course a dash of charm…
With one charming little meditation for every day of the thirty day countdown to Christmas, this is answer to festive bliss? I promise…