Daniel Howell left for Air Force basic training in Texas in 1991. He traveled to electronics and defensive electronics countermeasure school in Mississippi for almost an entire year, during which he became the most senior trainee at the base. Assigned to the U-2, he served in England, Saudi Arabia, and California. Subsequent tours to Japan and Florida ended in 2001, when he received an Honorable Discharge and a kick in the tookus. Military enlisted personnel across the globe celebrated Daniel's departure.
While writing a blog about the World of Warcraft called BigRedKitty.net, he decided to post a quick story about an experience in the Air Force. The enthusiastic reception for the story stroked his ego and he continued to write about his most memorable experiences. When he quit writing his blog, the domain name was lost and the blog backup was corrupted.
But after six years of flinging themselves across the Internet void, the stories have been recovered and are finally being published.
While writing a blog about the World of Warcraft called BigRedKitty.net, he decided to post a quick story about an experience in the Air Force. The enthusiastic reception for the story stroked his ego and he continued to write about his most memorable experiences. When he quit writing his blog, the domain name was lost and the blog backup was corrupted.
But after six years of flinging themselves across the Internet void, the stories have been recovered and are finally being published.