Lose That Jiggly Belly Without Having to Exercise for Longer than 15 Minutes!
What if you could dramatically increase your weight loss by even five to ten times and target unwanted belly fat? What if I told you that you no longer have to toil away exercising hours at a time just to lose little to no weight? What if you could get more time in your day to read, spend time with your family or relax?
The author of twelve highly acclaimed health & fitness books, Dale L. Roberts, presents his ten standing ab exercise workout plan that requires less than 15 minutes. Based on nearly a decade of developing quality workouts that maximize the most from limited time—Roberts answers the question: What are the secrets to getting rid of belly fat without having to work tirelessly for hours at a time?
In this book, you'll learn:
- How to target that problematic muffin top or extra pudge around your midsection
- Why you DON'T have to roll around on the floor to get great abs
- One fifteen-minute abs program that you can use anytime, anywhere
- That you need NO equipment at all for a strong core
- Why standing up is more effective for fat loss than lying down
- Scientific data about how standing up improves your chances for life expectancy
- A variety of other tips to get the most from ANY workout or exercise plan
- How to keep your ab workouts brief, so you enjoy the finer things in life
- Additional tips & techniques to use for your current exercise routine
- BONUS: Get an exclusive FREE offer for a report of "The Ten Best Fitness Tools to Get More Results in the Least Time"
- And, much more!