Are you ready for a natural disaster?
Do you live in a region that is subject to tornadoes, hurricanes or earthquakes? Then it is likely that you have experienced some moments of terror as these phenomena can be deadly.
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Learn the warning signs for these kinds of weather events and what to do if you can't find shelter. Each of them has a unique signature that can be learned to help safeguard your family.
The table of contents is listed below:
Earthquake Emergency Preparation3
Earthquake Safety Tips3
Hurricane Emergency Preparation4
Hurricane Safety Tips4
Flood Emergency Preparation6
Tornado Emergency Preparation9
Tornado Safety Tips10
Tsunami Emergency Preparation11
Tsunami Safety Tips12
Typhoon Emergency Preparation14
Typhoon Advance Preparation16
Volcano Emergency Preparation18
Volcano Safety Tips19
Special Bonus Section: valuable web resources are listed showing you where to turn before, during and after the crisis to get the most help. There are also links to survival gear which should be on hand at all times if you live in an area that is likely to be hit by a natural disaster.
It always pays to be prepared, so safeguard your family and learn these valuable lessons before it is too late. Hit the buy button now