"SPACE and SOLAR SYSTEM - An eBook for Children about the Universe, our Planets and Space Exploration" is a nonfiction marvel. It is filled with colorful real photographs that look amazingly good on Smartphones, iPads, Kindles and many other tablet devices.
With great visual effects this book informs about our universe and its birth, galaxies, the milky way, our solar system and its inner and outer planets, as well as stars, the history of cosmic exploration and astronauts.
The pictures within this book are tied in with small blocks of text that are very easy to understand while also providing inspirational specifics about the outer space. Therefore this eBook is a perfect learning tool for children of all ages.
It can be conveniently downloaded by young readers who have already acquired the skill of reading for themselves and by parents who will read to the younger children who have not yet begun to read.
Das Kinderbuch "WELTALL und SONNENSYSTEM - Ein E-Book für Kinder über das Universum, unsere Planeten und die Weltraumforschung" beinhaltet schöne Fotografien, die besonders gut auf Kindles, iPads, Computern und anderen Tablet-PCs anzuschauen sind.
Dieses Sachbuch informiert über unser Weltraum, Galaxien, die Milchstrasse, Sterne, die Entstehung des Universums, seine kosmische Erforschung, Astronauten, unser Sonnensystem und seine inneren und äusseren Planeten.
Die großen, lebendigen Bilder in diesem Buch sind von kleinen Textblöcken umgeben, die sehr einfach zu verstehen sind. Ein perfektes Lernbuch für junge Leser.
Tags: kinderbuch englisch, children´s book german, childrens book german, german childrens books, children's books bilingual, bilingual children's books, zweisprachiges kinderbuch
With great visual effects this book informs about our universe and its birth, galaxies, the milky way, our solar system and its inner and outer planets, as well as stars, the history of cosmic exploration and astronauts.
The pictures within this book are tied in with small blocks of text that are very easy to understand while also providing inspirational specifics about the outer space. Therefore this eBook is a perfect learning tool for children of all ages.
It can be conveniently downloaded by young readers who have already acquired the skill of reading for themselves and by parents who will read to the younger children who have not yet begun to read.
Das Kinderbuch "WELTALL und SONNENSYSTEM - Ein E-Book für Kinder über das Universum, unsere Planeten und die Weltraumforschung" beinhaltet schöne Fotografien, die besonders gut auf Kindles, iPads, Computern und anderen Tablet-PCs anzuschauen sind.
Dieses Sachbuch informiert über unser Weltraum, Galaxien, die Milchstrasse, Sterne, die Entstehung des Universums, seine kosmische Erforschung, Astronauten, unser Sonnensystem und seine inneren und äusseren Planeten.
Die großen, lebendigen Bilder in diesem Buch sind von kleinen Textblöcken umgeben, die sehr einfach zu verstehen sind. Ein perfektes Lernbuch für junge Leser.
Tags: kinderbuch englisch, children´s book german, childrens book german, german childrens books, children's books bilingual, bilingual children's books, zweisprachiges kinderbuch