A story that combines a captivating future with the mesmerizing story of an ancient past. Simon Heloise is a young man, filled with talent and ingenuity. His life quickly starts to go in the wrong direction, as a powerful being starts to play with his future, keeping him from evolving into what he was meant to be. The powerful being tries to destroy him from the outside, before he could find an ancient object of immense power. Because of this, the whole future was altered, by the inevitable destruction of New York.
The story develops in key parts of the world, including Seoul (South Korea), Sicily (Italy), and New York (U.S.A.) as Rica Valentine, with the help of a group of talented people, try to create a better present, from the future.
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A story that combines a captivating future with the mesmerizing story of an ancient past. Simon Heloise is a young man, filled with talent and ingenuity. His life quickly starts to go in the wrong direction, as a powerful being starts to play with his future, keeping him from evolving into what he was meant to be. The powerful being tries to destroy him from the outside, before he could find an ancient object of immense power. Because of this, the whole future was altered, by the inevitable destruction of New York.
The story develops in key parts of the world, including Seoul (South Korea), Sicily (Italy), and New York (U.S.A.) as Rica Valentine, with the help of a group of talented people, try to create a better present, from the future.
For more information about book II please visit and subscribe on our official web site .