A small southern town, but the entrance to an ancient adventure...
When fifteen-year-old James is forced to move to his mother’s hometown of Proverb, Mississippi—population 400—he isn’t expecting much. Indeed, contempt is the strongest feeling he can muster for the place. But after he’s attacked by what he thinks is a dragon in the woods near his house, his outlook suddenly changes.Accidentally entrusting his cousins with the secret, James convinces the pair to help him hunt for more information. Stephen, always up for an adventure, wholeheartedly embraces the idea, while his skeptical sister Cathy is just along for the ride. After exhausting the local library, they turn to Mr. Book, an eccentric man named after his collection of antiquated texts, never knowing doing so will start them on a path from which they can never turn back.
With the discovery of a diary, the appearance of a robed stranger, and the unearthing of a new world full of old secrets, James and his cousins find themselves in an adventure that dates back to the Middle Ages. In the whirlwind of their intriguing journey, James realizes his friends, and his new home, just might be worth fighting for.
This middle grade and young adult fantasy is perfect for fans of The Dark is Rising or A Wrinkle in Time.