An award-winning memoir, SIG is not just a story about surviving. It is a story about positively thriving by patiently trusting in tho sword's possibilities and then working toward one's dreams with damn-the-torpedoes determination unit you have made them come true. In the pages of SIG, Sig Wathne shares his true story filled with family love and devotion, forged-steel inner resolve, and a lifetime's heart-stirring victories over adversities big and small.
* Named Sig Junior after his father, a soccer Olympian, able to master anything mechanical...
* Hours of childhood afternoons spent exploring a Southern California junkyard, studying the mysteries bones and innards of old cars and trucks...
* An ocean voyage that nearly cost his life....
* Childhood emigration to the European homeland of his parents...
* Risking his life against brutal Nazi occupation forces...
* Endless days consigned with little hope to a hospital bed by a relentless, crippling malady: osteomyelitis...
* Named Sig Junior after his father, a soccer Olympian, able to master anything mechanical...
* Hours of childhood afternoons spent exploring a Southern California junkyard, studying the mysteries bones and innards of old cars and trucks...
* An ocean voyage that nearly cost his life....
* Childhood emigration to the European homeland of his parents...
* Risking his life against brutal Nazi occupation forces...
* Endless days consigned with little hope to a hospital bed by a relentless, crippling malady: osteomyelitis...