"Now includes 2 free books + my No.1 secret to being successful everyday"
What do we think when we think of self discipline? Do we shudder at the thought of it? Many people think that self-discipline is doing what you need to do, even though you might not want to do it. Well, I don’t see self discipline like that, Instead I want see it as having that cool, collective calmness, where nothing has the force to stop you. When you are 100% concentrated and focused, but on the inside you are still as cold as ice.
We live in a world where we are all affected by associations, positive and negative, so in this book I will teach you twelve easy strategies to receive more willpower and self-discipline in your life right now. This will guide you on the path for positive associations. I will go through and teach you how to feel more motivated and disciplined so that you can move forward with confidence and determination.
So what is self discipline? Well, there are many answers to that question. Some would say it’s the foundation to success, while others would argue that self discipline is simply self-improvement.
I see it as the ability to say no to immediate pleasure to instead gain long-term fulfillment and satisfaction from planning and achieving more meaningful goals. It is having the ability to control one's emotions, desires and behaviors. Being able to take those hard decisions while taking action and executing a plan, despite the difficulties and discomfort that may occur while getting over the obstacles that will come your way.
Being disciplined doesn’t mean that you have to live a restrictive or limiting lifestyle. It does not mean giving up the things that you enjoy doing or to remove the things that are fun or relaxing. It is all about focusing your mind and thoughts on your goals and having the determination to follow through. It also means structuring a mindset where your actions are ruled by deliberate choices rather than your emotions. Having self-discipline will help you reach your goals faster while still living a satisfying and orderly life.
A preview of what you'll get
• Learn how to gain more Self-Discipline and Willpower
• How to restist temptation in your everyday life
• Learn how to create a plan and why it will benefit you
• Determining what Self-Discipline is and what it stands for
• How to stay motivated
• 2 FREE Books
• My No.1 Secret to success