"The gathering of materials for this book has taken a few years. At the start, my granddaughter was a non-reading preschooler. Today, being in the fourth grade, she reads on the fifth-grade level. This is where we begin:
It was a chilly fall evening, and Savana, my precocious, pragmatic four-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter was spending the night. As a preschooler, reading, to her, was a favorite activity. One evening, as we were about to start our fun, she wanted to choose the book. To my surprise, she returned with Grandma’s old green album. She knew this book was a no-no, but I suppose she felt she had grown up to it. This was a true reflection, déjà vu, my grandmother and me."
It was a chilly fall evening, and Savana, my precocious, pragmatic four-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter was spending the night. As a preschooler, reading, to her, was a favorite activity. One evening, as we were about to start our fun, she wanted to choose the book. To my surprise, she returned with Grandma’s old green album. She knew this book was a no-no, but I suppose she felt she had grown up to it. This was a true reflection, déjà vu, my grandmother and me."