If you've heard of Project Gutenberg, you probably know it for its vast collection of free public domain books. But do you know everything it offers and how to make the best of the site?
With an army of volunteers scanning, proofreading, and editing public domain works, being able to discover obscure works of literature is now easier than ever. Project Gutenberg, which has over 45,000 books on offer (at the time of writing), aims to ensure that no book will ever truly disappear.
Project Gutenberg also offers audiobooks and the chance to help get involved in the project. This guide will teach you:
- about the concept of public domain works
- how to find and use audiobooks through Librivox
- the quickest way to self-publish your own books
- how distributed proofreading works and how to get involved
- some cool tools and tricks of the Project Gutenberg site
- and will suggest some great starting points for your reading.
With an army of volunteers scanning, proofreading, and editing public domain works, being able to discover obscure works of literature is now easier than ever. Project Gutenberg, which has over 45,000 books on offer (at the time of writing), aims to ensure that no book will ever truly disappear.
Project Gutenberg also offers audiobooks and the chance to help get involved in the project. This guide will teach you:
- about the concept of public domain works
- how to find and use audiobooks through Librivox
- the quickest way to self-publish your own books
- how distributed proofreading works and how to get involved
- some cool tools and tricks of the Project Gutenberg site
- and will suggest some great starting points for your reading.