The Series: The story of high school students in the backwoods town of Grudge, MO. and set the day after scientists reveal something extraterrestrial is headed for Earth. While it may take years to get here, the kids aren't putting their lives on hold for anything. But Grudge has always been a strange hamlet--and things are only getting stranger. From crop circles to cattle mutilations to anal probes, it's all happening here. But in the end, Tim Morris and his friends only want one thing--to escape the stereotypes heaved upon them and one day get out of the sleepy, but spooky little town they will forever be forced to call 'home'. It's a twisted "Archie" meets "The X-Files" is this new, ongoing series!
This Issue: In the first full issue, Tim is squarely focused on the aftermath of his one night stand with Zeke as everyone else around him is reacting to the news of an alien object heading for Earth. Then, people start disappearing...
Includes the "Probed" prequel comic from Galaxy Tales Quarterly #1.
Suggested for Mature Readers
This Issue: In the first full issue, Tim is squarely focused on the aftermath of his one night stand with Zeke as everyone else around him is reacting to the news of an alien object heading for Earth. Then, people start disappearing...
Includes the "Probed" prequel comic from Galaxy Tales Quarterly #1.
Suggested for Mature Readers