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    Prayer: The 100 Most Powerful Evening Prayer Every Christian Needs To Know (Christian Prayer Book 2)

    By Oliver Powell

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    Do You Want To End Your Day In Praise, Calm & Peace?

    Don’t you think your life would be different from what it is now if you at least once every day spoke to your God?

    This book has been created because of the importance of spending some quiet time with our Beloved Lord at the end of each day.

    Every prayer is important to God, but evening prayers more so because it is the time when we ask forgiveness for the sins we did today, it is the time when we thank Him for the abundant blessings He has given for the day, and it is also the perfect time to ask for God’s protection for the night. It is also an excellent time to look back on the things that all happened to you today and to do some soul-searching for the decisions that were made and actions that were done.

    God’s presence during your examination of conscience in the evening can readily make you pray straight from the heart if you did something wrong, if you said something wrong or if you felt that you were wronged against. Evening prayers loosen, and may even break the bonds of anger, anxiety, and stress resulting to a better long and restful sleep.

    This is the reason for the book. This is to help you overcome your daily prayer struggle. Praying through these well prepared evening prayers will one day unlock the doors of your struggle and make you pray from the heart.


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