What does Pokémon Mew do in his spare time?
Surely, as a member of the Legion of Legends he is not allowed to possess human objects…And yet, when he finds an old leather diary that used to belong to a scientist along with a smartphone, not only does Mew decide to add his own entries to the diary, but he also befriends a creature known as Siri and becomes a trainer himself in the curious thing known as Pokémon GO.
But can Pokemon master Pokémon GO? What will happen if MewTwo and other members of the Legion of Legends discover Mew’s little secret? Could this Siri creature be the reason behind the mysterious disappearance of legendary Pokémon one by one?
Follow the exciting adventures of Playful Mew through the carefully preserved entries in his diary.
Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited NOW in anticipation of the release of Pokémon Moon and Sun! An amazing adventures both for children and adults who are in love with Pokémon!