Investing is very important step which can make your future secure. It is a good way to help save money for a major purchase. The investment should have as a high growth potential as possible without having too much risk. In today's time there are many types of investments are available in stock market. There are long term investments, short term investments and as many different investments strategies as there are investors. You ought to decide whether to invest for long term or short term.
As warren buffet quotes that ' you should be greedy when stock market is fearful and you should be fearfull when market is greedy.'
long term investments mean buying some shares or dividend stocks and keep Basically them for a long time over a year. These forms of investments are in a position of gaining small amounts of money over a longer period of time. This investment strategy is slow but a steady pace of long term investments allow a much greater degree of stability with more lowered risk levels. These investments usually chosen as investment option when there is a lot of time on hand. These investments continue to grow over the years, maturing just the investors as they need them. The long term traders incur much fewer trading fees, since positions are held for a long period. When new in the stock market, you should focus on long term prospects.
Everything changed for me when I discovered dividend investing. I had become disillusioned with trying to pick growth stocks even before the financial crisis of 2008-2009. As a beginning investor, I believed I could build my own portfolio of winning stocks if I did enough research, but after months spent glued to the computer, the best I could come up with was a random mix of winners and losers. The results of my obsessive research were a wash in terms of growth.
I learned in cash about dividend investing while I was still in a growth investing mindset, and I believe that most beginning investors are in the same position. So I'm going to start by explaining the differences between the two in my book which will definitely help you as this strategy helped me..