In the year 2020 where exiled superhumans exist, a young woman named Nixie awakens a devastating power, leading her to become a heroic force of good or the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.
What will she choose?
After the sudden death of her parents, the beautiful and gifted Nixie drowns herself in work on a virtual reality where gifted users are unknowingly trained to become weapons in the real world by secret interests. Unaware of her own fate, Starnova, the exiled leader of a band of outlawed heroes, sees the potential for her abilities to become weaponized.
He rescues her from the VR and recruits her into the ranks of the superhero group - Praetorian. Together they unravel a conspiracy of an impending doomsday that heralds Nixie as the source of its coming, and the bringers of this judgement day, might be the heroes themselves.
What will she choose?
After the sudden death of her parents, the beautiful and gifted Nixie drowns herself in work on a virtual reality where gifted users are unknowingly trained to become weapons in the real world by secret interests. Unaware of her own fate, Starnova, the exiled leader of a band of outlawed heroes, sees the potential for her abilities to become weaponized.
He rescues her from the VR and recruits her into the ranks of the superhero group - Praetorian. Together they unravel a conspiracy of an impending doomsday that heralds Nixie as the source of its coming, and the bringers of this judgement day, might be the heroes themselves.
With the doomsday clock ticking, Nixie must overcome the shadows of her past and find an unrivaled strength to save the world from a desolate, post-apocalyptic future.