The world needs more heroes like Betty Jean (BJ) McHugh, surely one of the most remarkable athletes on earth. In her newly published memoir, My Road to Rome - the Running Times of BJ McHugh, BJ tells the story of how she became the world’s fastest senior long distance runner. Now in her 80’s, North Vancouver’s Betty Jean weaves a fascinating tale of unlikely achievement; of a farmer’s daughter born in the days of wood stoves and horse drawn plows. It was a time when few women participated in sport at any age, and certainly none ever ran marathons. In fact, BJ only took up jogging in her 50s, an age when most people stop buying running shoes. Ever since she has challenged notions of the possible with every footfall and led the pack as the fledgling fitness movement experienced explosive growth. BJ has won hundreds of races, set dozens of world records and continues win and set records to this day.
A force of nature, yes, but not a freak of nature. Faced with the same inevitable physical decline, BJ thinks most people over 50 can enjoy amazing health, fitness and happiness well into their senior years. She tells you how she did it, and how others can do it too. Hers is an often hilarious, sometimes heart-breaking tale, yet always courageous and inspiring. My Road to Rome describes the life changes that helped BJ expand the realm of possibilities for women of all ages.
A force of nature, yes, but not a freak of nature. Faced with the same inevitable physical decline, BJ thinks most people over 50 can enjoy amazing health, fitness and happiness well into their senior years. She tells you how she did it, and how others can do it too. Hers is an often hilarious, sometimes heart-breaking tale, yet always courageous and inspiring. My Road to Rome describes the life changes that helped BJ expand the realm of possibilities for women of all ages.