This book was written by an experienced Spanish and ESL teacher who has lived in the Valencian Community in Spain during the last six years. It includes pronunciation tips, cultural information, phrases useful in daily life and basic grammar. This book is intended to be a basic introduction for beginners and does not contain exercises or audio material.
Table of Contents
Catalan and Valencian
vocabulary similarities and differences
Catalan/Valencian-speaking areas
vowel sounds
accent and stress
L’aula (the classroom)
I have, you have, etc.
I need, you need, etc.
subject pronouns
indefinite articles
definite articles
in class
holidays and cultural celebrations
Les matèries (school subjects)
Les salutacions (greetings)
How’s it going?
formal and familiar
useful words and phrases
Les presentacions (introductions)
What’s your name?
the verb ser (to be)
Who are you?
possessive adjectives
I’d like you to meet...
Nice to meet you!
La família
Les professions
Place of Origin and Languages
Where are you from?
the regions of Spain
countries of the world
Do you speak Valencian?
lanaguages of the world
the verb viure (to live)
Where do you live?
cities of the world
Hair and Eyes
La roba (clothes)
Els colors (colors)
El cos humà (the human body)
Dies i mesos (days and months)
the days of the week
the months of the year
the seasons of the year
els nombres (numbers)
today, tomorrow and the date
L’hora (telling time)
Activitats i llocs (activities and places)
I like, you like, etc.
the verb anar (to go)
so and so’s “place”
around town
asking for directions
modes of transport
El temps (the weather)
the verb fer (do, make)
How’s the weather?
related words
La casa i els edificis (houses and buildings)
household chores
Els animals i la naturalesa
Aliments i begudes (food and drinks)
nouns, verbs, adjectives
Basic Grammar
the six verb forms
the present tense
regular -ar verbs
regular –er and –re verbs
regular –ir verbs
verbs like preferir
the simple past tense
the imperfect past tense
-ar verbs
other verbs
the present perfect
basic forms
the past participle of regular verbs
irregular participles
the future and conditional
irregular verbs in the present tense
Els adjectius
Describing People and Things
Sentiments i condicions (feelings and conditions)
How do you feel?
adjectives of feelings and conditions
Forming the Plural
Table of Contents
Catalan and Valencian
vocabulary similarities and differences
Catalan/Valencian-speaking areas
vowel sounds
accent and stress
L’aula (the classroom)
I have, you have, etc.
I need, you need, etc.
subject pronouns
indefinite articles
definite articles
in class
holidays and cultural celebrations
Les matèries (school subjects)
Les salutacions (greetings)
How’s it going?
formal and familiar
useful words and phrases
Les presentacions (introductions)
What’s your name?
the verb ser (to be)
Who are you?
possessive adjectives
I’d like you to meet...
Nice to meet you!
La família
Les professions
Place of Origin and Languages
Where are you from?
the regions of Spain
countries of the world
Do you speak Valencian?
lanaguages of the world
the verb viure (to live)
Where do you live?
cities of the world
Hair and Eyes
La roba (clothes)
Els colors (colors)
El cos humà (the human body)
Dies i mesos (days and months)
the days of the week
the months of the year
the seasons of the year
els nombres (numbers)
today, tomorrow and the date
L’hora (telling time)
Activitats i llocs (activities and places)
I like, you like, etc.
the verb anar (to go)
so and so’s “place”
around town
asking for directions
modes of transport
El temps (the weather)
the verb fer (do, make)
How’s the weather?
related words
La casa i els edificis (houses and buildings)
household chores
Els animals i la naturalesa
Aliments i begudes (food and drinks)
nouns, verbs, adjectives
Basic Grammar
the six verb forms
the present tense
regular -ar verbs
regular –er and –re verbs
regular –ir verbs
verbs like preferir
the simple past tense
the imperfect past tense
-ar verbs
other verbs
the present perfect
basic forms
the past participle of regular verbs
irregular participles
the future and conditional
irregular verbs in the present tense
Els adjectius
Describing People and Things
Sentiments i condicions (feelings and conditions)
How do you feel?
adjectives of feelings and conditions
Forming the Plural