"A cozy mystery series involving a culinary blend of suspense with a dash of thriller tossed in....,
These cozy anthologies follows the story of Lady Margaret “Maggie” Trumbull, a
smart and sassy businesswoman and amateur sleuth, as she solves crimes
and saves the day…more often than not to the frustration of the town’s
detective Tom Sullivan. But as readers will soon see, Maggie’s just
got a knack for finding the truth… even if sometimes it lands her
right in the middle of danger.
In Murder at the Fete: Someone has been fatally poisoned. Will Maggie
find out who’s the culprit? "Poisoning is personal"
In Murder in the Village: When Maggie receives a present that reveals
an unexpected grisly addition, the burning question for Maggie is who
did the “gift” originally belong to?
In Murder in the Cemetery: Dead bodies in a cemetery isn’t uncommon,
but Maggie finds one in the most peculiar of places. Who is it and how
did they get there?
In Murder in the Valley: Asked to find a missing person, Maggie is
reluctant to help…until the man turns up dead. Twist and turns weave
this tale as Maggie delves into a history of secrets, lies and
government intrigue.
Check out these four fantastic mystery short read novellas “The Lady Turnbull Cozy Mystery Box Set"! Take a look inside the series that readers have called:
“Captivating suspense! Loved it!”
“Murder, greed, family drama, it’s everything you could ask for in a
mystery series!”
“This series was a page turner, I couldn’t put it down!”
You’ll love The Lady Margaret Turnbull Cozy Mystery Box Set!
These cozy anthologies follows the story of Lady Margaret “Maggie” Trumbull, a
smart and sassy businesswoman and amateur sleuth, as she solves crimes
and saves the day…more often than not to the frustration of the town’s
detective Tom Sullivan. But as readers will soon see, Maggie’s just
got a knack for finding the truth… even if sometimes it lands her
right in the middle of danger.
In Murder at the Fete: Someone has been fatally poisoned. Will Maggie
find out who’s the culprit? "Poisoning is personal"
In Murder in the Village: When Maggie receives a present that reveals
an unexpected grisly addition, the burning question for Maggie is who
did the “gift” originally belong to?
In Murder in the Cemetery: Dead bodies in a cemetery isn’t uncommon,
but Maggie finds one in the most peculiar of places. Who is it and how
did they get there?
In Murder in the Valley: Asked to find a missing person, Maggie is
reluctant to help…until the man turns up dead. Twist and turns weave
this tale as Maggie delves into a history of secrets, lies and
government intrigue.
Check out these four fantastic mystery short read novellas “The Lady Turnbull Cozy Mystery Box Set"! Take a look inside the series that readers have called:
“Captivating suspense! Loved it!”
“Murder, greed, family drama, it’s everything you could ask for in a
mystery series!”
“This series was a page turner, I couldn’t put it down!”
You’ll love The Lady Margaret Turnbull Cozy Mystery Box Set!