The financial world can be a scary place for those who don’t understand it. If you have any financial assets, you try to do the right thing and you hire a financial advisor to help you. They have the knowledge and should have your best interests in mind. But do they? And how do you know?
In this interview, John Nguyen discusses with Jack about how he educates people about the investing and trading world so that you can know if the rights things are being done on your behalf.
The E-mini trading world is rather unique because trades happen within a matter of minutes, as opposed to days or longer.
John has a unique way of teaching folks. People basically watch over his shoulder every morning as he makes trades on the computer, explaining why he made them and what’s happening with that trade. He’s a totally open book, with no risk to you because he’s not using your money as you learn.
John opens up a peak behind the curtain at what happens in the financial world. John Nguyen is definitely the go to expert in the E-mini trading world for learning how to become a successful trader and take control of your future.
In this interview, John Nguyen discusses with Jack about how he educates people about the investing and trading world so that you can know if the rights things are being done on your behalf.
The E-mini trading world is rather unique because trades happen within a matter of minutes, as opposed to days or longer.
John has a unique way of teaching folks. People basically watch over his shoulder every morning as he makes trades on the computer, explaining why he made them and what’s happening with that trade. He’s a totally open book, with no risk to you because he’s not using your money as you learn.
John opens up a peak behind the curtain at what happens in the financial world. John Nguyen is definitely the go to expert in the E-mini trading world for learning how to become a successful trader and take control of your future.