This book is God's words about Humiliation and contrition of spirit and talks about the following:
- The Divine Commandment
- Types and examples
First: The humiliation of the Lord Christ for the salvation of the world
Second: Contrition before God's glory
Third: Contrition and pouring oneself in prayer
Fourth: Contrition in times of sorrow and trials
Fifth: Contrition before the righteousness of the others
Sixth: Contrition because of being ashamed of sin
Seventh: Contrition of the sinners on facing God's wrath
- Signs of humiliation and contrition of spirit
First: Prostration
Second: Humiliation of the body and covering oneself with sackcloth and ashes
- Blessings of humiliation and contrition of spirit
First: The Lord hears the poor, and looks on those of contrite spirit
Second: Blessed are the contrite of spirit
Third: Healing and salvation
- The Divine Commandment
- Types and examples
First: The humiliation of the Lord Christ for the salvation of the world
Second: Contrition before God's glory
Third: Contrition and pouring oneself in prayer
Fourth: Contrition in times of sorrow and trials
Fifth: Contrition before the righteousness of the others
Sixth: Contrition because of being ashamed of sin
Seventh: Contrition of the sinners on facing God's wrath
- Signs of humiliation and contrition of spirit
First: Prostration
Second: Humiliation of the body and covering oneself with sackcloth and ashes
- Blessings of humiliation and contrition of spirit
First: The Lord hears the poor, and looks on those of contrite spirit
Second: Blessed are the contrite of spirit
Third: Healing and salvation