As God is my witness, I will never pay a penny for traffic again!
What's your website's daily pageview count like? Not completely satisfied, or not satisfied at all?
You're not alone. Millions of quality websites out there are like spinsters sitting in the corners of singles' party, pining for some attention. On the web, attention can only come in one form - traffic. That's why a site is rated by search engines by its daily pageview count, among many other things.
This book teaches you how to roll up your sleeves and generate unlimited FREE traffic, with the help of a great bot you can download free, while many others are still dishing out their hard-earned money to pay for traffic.
You will be excited about the prospect of an improved search engine ranking after you read my book. But what's revealed in this little book is just the tip of the iceberg. In the battlefield of web marking with web bots, what you learn in this book is a beginner's game. If you are serious about web marketing and you mean it when you say you want to sell your books or other products on the web, you owe it to yourself to get a copy of my other book, [[ASIN:B00GEQ6JDQ Whispers, Contagion & Espionage: Web Marketing with Bots]].