The Second Installment of Sean Schniederjan's famous hip exercises.
Hip Mobility has some techniques you won't find on google or going to a movement workshop that can add depth and ease to your squat in only a few minutes.
Hip Mobility is the anticipated sequel to Cure Tight Hips Anywhere. CTHA is a program to relieve hip tightness based on simple hip movements.
Hip Mobility focuses on techniques and progressions to improve compound hip movements for life ranging from mundane and day-to-day like climbing stairs, getting out of your chair using your hips and using your hips to lift to more advanced hip mobility positions such as deep squatting and then progressing to one legged squats, Cossacks, and overhead squatting.
Table of Contents:
What is Highly Satisfying Yet Makes You Feel Dumb at the Same Time?
What is Hip Mobility and Why is It Important?
An Effortless, Consistent, Snappy Bodyweight Squat
Higher Level Hip Mobility Applications
Some Considerations on the Knees
Bring Sexy Back: Fluid Pelvis Mobility and Keeping Your Torso Rigid
Kick It: Leg Mobility
Well Rounded Hip Mobility for Life
Hip Mobility has some techniques you won't find on google or going to a movement workshop that can add depth and ease to your squat in only a few minutes.
Hip Mobility is the anticipated sequel to Cure Tight Hips Anywhere. CTHA is a program to relieve hip tightness based on simple hip movements.
Hip Mobility focuses on techniques and progressions to improve compound hip movements for life ranging from mundane and day-to-day like climbing stairs, getting out of your chair using your hips and using your hips to lift to more advanced hip mobility positions such as deep squatting and then progressing to one legged squats, Cossacks, and overhead squatting.
Table of Contents:
What is Highly Satisfying Yet Makes You Feel Dumb at the Same Time?
What is Hip Mobility and Why is It Important?
An Effortless, Consistent, Snappy Bodyweight Squat
Higher Level Hip Mobility Applications
Some Considerations on the Knees
Bring Sexy Back: Fluid Pelvis Mobility and Keeping Your Torso Rigid
Kick It: Leg Mobility
Well Rounded Hip Mobility for Life