Are you struggling getting wins in Hearthstone?
Are you losing a lot and getting frustrated?
Simply want to reach the desired Legend rank?
Then this book is for you!
This book provides a good introduction to the game as a whole for beginners and advanced players. It features tips and tricks on quests, spending gold and dust wisely, arena runs and crafting and disenchanting. This book will also teach you how to become a better player regardless of what rank and how good you are. You can learn what the meta game is, how to adapt to it, how to adapt and edit your deck accordingly, how to build your collection and more. You will also find deck recipes for beginners - decks that cost zero dust and/or gold. Other deck recipes include decks for more advanced players and feature cards from the latest adventure One Night in Karazhan.
I am Victor Arthur, a professional gamer, and I will teach you how to become the best Hearthstone player and reach Legend rank!
This book includes:
- First steps for complete beginners
- Quests, achievements, how to spend your gold and dust
- How to become a better player - overall tips and tricks
- Learn how to adapt your deck in order to become better
- How to think in Hearthstone, plan out your turns, build your collection and more
- Warcraft Lore and crossover
- Basic deck recipes and guides for beginners - all classes (Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior)
- Deck recipes and guides for more advanced players - Malygos Druid, Murloc Paladin, Miracle Rogue, OTK Warrior
- And much more!