In the "Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels - Their Descriptions, Functions and Diseases" eBook, we keep similar terms “Grouped Together” for easy comparison. This helps you learn faster and easier, and prevents confusion. Also, with this proven learning method, you will save time, and learning will be more thorough.
As an example, when you read the Section on “Types of Blood Vessels”, and look for the definition of the term “Vein", you will also learn the difference between a “Vein, Artery, and a Capillary” because all these similar terms are “Grouped Together” into this “Section”. Additionally, in this “Section”, you will find the definitions of other Blood Vessels.
•The Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels book is not at all like a glossary, and the terms are purposely not listed alphabetically. With a glossary you can’t compare similar terms to each other at a glance. This is because you must browse through different pages to see each term.
•We have made learning easier and faster by grouping “Similar Terms” together in the same “Section" of the book.
•This grouping method is the key to easy learning as opposed to the old fashioned slow method of alphabetizing.
•The best example of our grouping technique is seen in the “Table of Contents” that you can view before purchasing.
•The 17 Sections of the “Table of Contents” lists every term that is defined within and reflects our “Quick Learn” grouping method of similar terms.
•Locating terms is very easy because every term is listed in the "Table of Contents" located at the front of the eBook, and with clickable links to take you quickly to your desired term and definition.
• Ask yourself, do I know what is meant by the following Heart terms:
Arrhythmia, Bradycardia, Tachycardia, Aortic Stenosis, Angina, Ischemia, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Myocardial Infarction (MI) (Heart Attack), Myocarditis?
• Ask yourself, do I know what is meant by the following Lung Terms:
Glottis, Trachea, Windpipe, Dyspnea, Suffocation, Alveoli, Bronchioles, Bronchitis, Asthma (Bronchial Asthma), Exercise Induced Asthma, Broncho Dilating Inhaler, Cyanosis and Asthma, Emphysema, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?
• Ask yourself, do I know what is meant by the following Blood Vessel Terms:
Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries, Venous System, Veins, Venules, Vascular, and Avascular?
Be sure to see “Section 01.05 - Heart Map” – Understanding Blood Flow between the Heart and Lungs. This simplistic description is especially popular and informative in the way it explains the exchange of blood between the chambers of the heart and the lungs.
This eBook is packed with 17 Sections of highly relevant information for students, teachers, nursing students, therapists, personal fitness trainers, people who do any type of sport, runners, coaches, health conscious people, or anybody who needs information relating to the Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels.
Our simplistic writing style is non-ambiguous, extremely accurate, and easy to understand, while maintaining a collegiate level of information.
It can also be used by students in grade school because we’ve purposely chosen to avoid the use of highly technical language, and without sacrificing accuracy.
Our "Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels – Their Descriptions, Functions and Diseases" promotes more thorough comprehension than other books with similar titles, and in much less time. Many of your most important questions on these 3 topics will be answered with unique clarity.
Order our Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels eBook right now.
It will be the best 99 cent investment that you ever made.
You will wish that you ordered sooner.
Please don’t forget to tell your friends about this book.
As an example, when you read the Section on “Types of Blood Vessels”, and look for the definition of the term “Vein", you will also learn the difference between a “Vein, Artery, and a Capillary” because all these similar terms are “Grouped Together” into this “Section”. Additionally, in this “Section”, you will find the definitions of other Blood Vessels.
•The Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels book is not at all like a glossary, and the terms are purposely not listed alphabetically. With a glossary you can’t compare similar terms to each other at a glance. This is because you must browse through different pages to see each term.
•We have made learning easier and faster by grouping “Similar Terms” together in the same “Section" of the book.
•This grouping method is the key to easy learning as opposed to the old fashioned slow method of alphabetizing.
•The best example of our grouping technique is seen in the “Table of Contents” that you can view before purchasing.
•The 17 Sections of the “Table of Contents” lists every term that is defined within and reflects our “Quick Learn” grouping method of similar terms.
•Locating terms is very easy because every term is listed in the "Table of Contents" located at the front of the eBook, and with clickable links to take you quickly to your desired term and definition.
• Ask yourself, do I know what is meant by the following Heart terms:
Arrhythmia, Bradycardia, Tachycardia, Aortic Stenosis, Angina, Ischemia, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Myocardial Infarction (MI) (Heart Attack), Myocarditis?
• Ask yourself, do I know what is meant by the following Lung Terms:
Glottis, Trachea, Windpipe, Dyspnea, Suffocation, Alveoli, Bronchioles, Bronchitis, Asthma (Bronchial Asthma), Exercise Induced Asthma, Broncho Dilating Inhaler, Cyanosis and Asthma, Emphysema, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?
• Ask yourself, do I know what is meant by the following Blood Vessel Terms:
Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries, Venous System, Veins, Venules, Vascular, and Avascular?
Be sure to see “Section 01.05 - Heart Map” – Understanding Blood Flow between the Heart and Lungs. This simplistic description is especially popular and informative in the way it explains the exchange of blood between the chambers of the heart and the lungs.
This eBook is packed with 17 Sections of highly relevant information for students, teachers, nursing students, therapists, personal fitness trainers, people who do any type of sport, runners, coaches, health conscious people, or anybody who needs information relating to the Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels.
Our simplistic writing style is non-ambiguous, extremely accurate, and easy to understand, while maintaining a collegiate level of information.
It can also be used by students in grade school because we’ve purposely chosen to avoid the use of highly technical language, and without sacrificing accuracy.
Our "Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels – Their Descriptions, Functions and Diseases" promotes more thorough comprehension than other books with similar titles, and in much less time. Many of your most important questions on these 3 topics will be answered with unique clarity.
Order our Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels eBook right now.
It will be the best 99 cent investment that you ever made.
You will wish that you ordered sooner.
Please don’t forget to tell your friends about this book.