This time around, It's Grandad Miller's turn to be the victim...
Ageing serial killer, Brian Miller, returns in this standalone short story which recalls events of the night when he is forced to child-mind two hideous twelve-year old twins, Barney and Benjy Pickles. As the vile duo run rings around the UK's oldest mass murderer and coffin dodger, another menace lurks in the background, in the form of Brian's meddling, and blackmailing, neighbour, Clive McCornish, who is seeking to extort the cost of a new washing machine from the crinkly serial killer.
This download also contains part one of the newly revised and re-written novel, 'Grandad Miller, Serial Killer'.
Warning: Contains very strong language and is not suitable for minors.
Ageing serial killer, Brian Miller, returns in this standalone short story which recalls events of the night when he is forced to child-mind two hideous twelve-year old twins, Barney and Benjy Pickles. As the vile duo run rings around the UK's oldest mass murderer and coffin dodger, another menace lurks in the background, in the form of Brian's meddling, and blackmailing, neighbour, Clive McCornish, who is seeking to extort the cost of a new washing machine from the crinkly serial killer.
This download also contains part one of the newly revised and re-written novel, 'Grandad Miller, Serial Killer'.
Warning: Contains very strong language and is not suitable for minors.