"Get Back in the Kitchen, Bit@hes!" is the second installment of the "Get in the Kitchen, Bit@hes! Cookbook" series.
Since humankind discovered fire, there have been bit@hes in the damn kitchen! As a result of their tireless efforts, I have decided to dedicate this next book of the series, to all the bit@hes who worked tirelessly in the kitchens of yesteryear.
This book begins where the last book left you... back in the damn kitchen. In this installment, I kick it up a notch to see if your sorry ass can handle more advanced cooking techniques and new ingredients. Rest assured though, any idiot, I mean novice, can master these recipes.
In the “You’re a Tool, Bit@h” section, I show you all the culinary utensils you should have in your kitchen. I also dedicate a whole chapter to teaching you a slew of cooking methods such as Sautéing, Braising, Pan-Frying and a whole mess of other sh*t, just so you don’t look and act like an idiot anymore. As always, there is a “Learning to Love Your Leftover" section where I teach you how to use your leftovers to make great meals and a “So, Too Damn Lazy To Start From Scratch” section where you will find recipes that use what G-d gave you: packaged food items like ramen and rice-a-foni to help you create amazing meals!
What are you waiting for, bit@h? Get back in that damn kitchen, we’re not done yet!
Since humankind discovered fire, there have been bit@hes in the damn kitchen! As a result of their tireless efforts, I have decided to dedicate this next book of the series, to all the bit@hes who worked tirelessly in the kitchens of yesteryear.
This book begins where the last book left you... back in the damn kitchen. In this installment, I kick it up a notch to see if your sorry ass can handle more advanced cooking techniques and new ingredients. Rest assured though, any idiot, I mean novice, can master these recipes.
In the “You’re a Tool, Bit@h” section, I show you all the culinary utensils you should have in your kitchen. I also dedicate a whole chapter to teaching you a slew of cooking methods such as Sautéing, Braising, Pan-Frying and a whole mess of other sh*t, just so you don’t look and act like an idiot anymore. As always, there is a “Learning to Love Your Leftover" section where I teach you how to use your leftovers to make great meals and a “So, Too Damn Lazy To Start From Scratch” section where you will find recipes that use what G-d gave you: packaged food items like ramen and rice-a-foni to help you create amazing meals!
What are you waiting for, bit@h? Get back in that damn kitchen, we’re not done yet!