So your wife is now about 8-9 months pregnant.
Gone through the baby shower.
Fixed the room for the baby.
Bought the crib. And the stroller. And the car seat.
What next?
If you are anything like me before, I was so excited about being a new dad that
I literally didn’t know what to do. I heard so many stories and sifted through literally
hundreds of sites on the internet to get me ready. But most sites were written
through the views of doctors and mothers so I couldn’t relate to most of them.
Information overload about breastfeeding and hormones, no thank you.
I understand what you feel. I went through all of them. It is not like there is a
degree for parenting. Especially for us fathers. Well, this book is created by a
father for fathers. It's not too long as to bore you of the nitty gritty of
fatherhood. It’s filled with just the right amount of tips and life experience
goodies to give you some great ideas on how to deal with your new baby.
Don't worry, as I said, this book was written by a hands-on dad who had
zero experience before having a baby, ME. I've poured through all
my experiences and have come up with all these golden nuggets of wisdom.
This book will...
- tell you how to handle unsolicited advice
- teach you how to hold a baby properly for those faint of heart
- describe the common and uncommon burping baby positions
- let you know that it is OK to make mistakes
- and on and on and on
So what are you waiting for? Click on the Buy Now button and use the things
that you will learn to embark on the greatest journey that you will take.
Congratulations! You are going to be a dad!
Gone through the baby shower.
Fixed the room for the baby.
Bought the crib. And the stroller. And the car seat.
What next?
If you are anything like me before, I was so excited about being a new dad that
I literally didn’t know what to do. I heard so many stories and sifted through literally
hundreds of sites on the internet to get me ready. But most sites were written
through the views of doctors and mothers so I couldn’t relate to most of them.
Information overload about breastfeeding and hormones, no thank you.
I understand what you feel. I went through all of them. It is not like there is a
degree for parenting. Especially for us fathers. Well, this book is created by a
father for fathers. It's not too long as to bore you of the nitty gritty of
fatherhood. It’s filled with just the right amount of tips and life experience
goodies to give you some great ideas on how to deal with your new baby.
Don't worry, as I said, this book was written by a hands-on dad who had
zero experience before having a baby, ME. I've poured through all
my experiences and have come up with all these golden nuggets of wisdom.
This book will...
- tell you how to handle unsolicited advice
- teach you how to hold a baby properly for those faint of heart
- describe the common and uncommon burping baby positions
- let you know that it is OK to make mistakes
- and on and on and on
So what are you waiting for? Click on the Buy Now button and use the things
that you will learn to embark on the greatest journey that you will take.
Congratulations! You are going to be a dad!