"The train is in the depot sitting pretty. Where is it going? To New York City. The train is red. The wheels are black. The train moves along rectangle tracks." Ideal for ages 1-7. Written for children who love trains and New York City and the parents who nurture these popular passions.
Colorful illustrations and simple rhyming patterns throughout. Great for kids with a speech delay because very basic questions and answers can be devised. Also a fantastic early reader with short sentences. Something we amateurishly but lovingly crafted one night for our first born son and now our younger son is wondering why our older son isn't in the story. Best viewed in portrait mode.
Colorful illustrations and simple rhyming patterns throughout. Great for kids with a speech delay because very basic questions and answers can be devised. Also a fantastic early reader with short sentences. Something we amateurishly but lovingly crafted one night for our first born son and now our younger son is wondering why our older son isn't in the story. Best viewed in portrait mode.