Why buy this eBook ?
If you are involved in an eReading project, you will be confronted with many ICT challenges...
This eBook aims at providing you tools to structure your approach and avoid making mistakes in your eReading project.
You'll get a methodology specifically designed for eReading Solutions Architecture based on my previous experiences as IT architect at IBM and HP and my current experiences (for example, my work for the Flemish eBook Platform).
What is in the eBook ?
The recent arrival of new devices like the iPad, the Kindle and its competitors opens new ways of consuming information (eBooks, apps, ePub, mobile sites...). Some applications now need to be designed for electronic reading (eReading). The
Flemish eBook Platform (VeP) is an example.
eReading Solutions Architecture proposes a method to successfully design and document solutions that involve electronic reading. The methodology will help you choosing the right eReading technology that fits your ePublishing strategy.
By using 4 main tiers in the eReading Reference architecture (eReader, Desktop, Web and Enterprise), many different eReading solutions can be designed :eBooks, eMagazines, eNewspapers, ePatientFiles.... As a case study, the architecture of a fictive "eBooks Project" is described.
The eBook is also a showcase on how to apply Enterprise Architecture methods like Archimate and KAOS.
I hope this work can help you designing your own killer innovative eReading solutions.
If you are involved in an eReading project, you will be confronted with many ICT challenges...
This eBook aims at providing you tools to structure your approach and avoid making mistakes in your eReading project.
You'll get a methodology specifically designed for eReading Solutions Architecture based on my previous experiences as IT architect at IBM and HP and my current experiences (for example, my work for the Flemish eBook Platform).
What is in the eBook ?
The recent arrival of new devices like the iPad, the Kindle and its competitors opens new ways of consuming information (eBooks, apps, ePub, mobile sites...). Some applications now need to be designed for electronic reading (eReading). The
Flemish eBook Platform (VeP) is an example.
eReading Solutions Architecture proposes a method to successfully design and document solutions that involve electronic reading. The methodology will help you choosing the right eReading technology that fits your ePublishing strategy.
By using 4 main tiers in the eReading Reference architecture (eReader, Desktop, Web and Enterprise), many different eReading solutions can be designed :eBooks, eMagazines, eNewspapers, ePatientFiles.... As a case study, the architecture of a fictive "eBooks Project" is described.
The eBook is also a showcase on how to apply Enterprise Architecture methods like Archimate and KAOS.
I hope this work can help you designing your own killer innovative eReading solutions.