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    EFQM Framework for Enterprise 2.0

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    EFQM Framework for Enterprise 2.0

    By EFQM -

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    EFQM Shares What Works
    EFQM is a global non-for-profit membership foundation based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 500 members covering more than 55 countries and 50 industries, we provide a unique platform for organisations to learn from each other and improve performance. EFQM is the custodian of the EFQM Excellence Model, a business model which is helping over 30 000 organisations around the globe to strive for Sustainable Excellence. The EFQM Excellence Model provides a common framework and language that facilitates the effective sharing of information between organisations; transcending sectorial, cultural and maturity barriers.

    The EFQM Framework for Enterprise 2.0
    The EFQM Framework for Enterprise 2.0 has been developed to provide organisations with a holistic and universal approach towards excellence in managing their Enterprise 2.0 strategy. The Framework is based on the 9 criteria of the EFQM Model to which specific Enterprise 2.0 issues have been linked.

    This EFQM Framework starts with a brief introduction to the topic of Enterprise 2.0, followed by three sections: EFQM Framework for Enterprise 2.0 - Summary, EFQM Framework for Enterprise 2.0 – Assessment Guide, and Information on Self-Assessment and the EFQM Model.
    Download eBook Link updated in 2017
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