A young exiled sorceress of his kingdom is called to take a child back to his home, which the sorceress did not know was that the home of the young child was the ice kingdom, so that one day she was expelled with his family and oseu throne by right was usurped by a man who now calls himself king of the city of ice.
A journey full of adventures mysteries and inesperads friendships, a little faun with his funny stories and enigmatic, an old man buffalo banned from his home, a ciclipe seeking revenge, the small protective Fairy child hiding a secret that will be revealed when reach their destination.
Do not miss this adventure torne'se member of the adventurous group.
A journey full of adventures mysteries and inesperads friendships, a little faun with his funny stories and enigmatic, an old man buffalo banned from his home, a ciclipe seeking revenge, the small protective Fairy child hiding a secret that will be revealed when reach their destination.
Do not miss this adventure torne'se member of the adventurous group.