What made Christopher Columbus such a famous figure in history?
He was the first European to come to the New World and start a permanent settlement.
As a result, he changed history forever. His discoveries opened the door for millions of Europeans to come to the New World and start the countries we know today, including the United States.
It took a lot of bravery and courage to make the long, dangerous voyage from Europe to the New World. No one had ever sailed as far as Christopher did without stopping.
He almost didn't make it.
Several of his crew members died of starvation and disease. The others were ready to take over the ships and turn back.
But Christopher believed in himself and convinced his crew to have faith in him.
Read on and discover how this ordinary Italian mapmaker went on to revolutionize the course of history forever.
He was the first European to come to the New World and start a permanent settlement.
As a result, he changed history forever. His discoveries opened the door for millions of Europeans to come to the New World and start the countries we know today, including the United States.
It took a lot of bravery and courage to make the long, dangerous voyage from Europe to the New World. No one had ever sailed as far as Christopher did without stopping.
He almost didn't make it.
Several of his crew members died of starvation and disease. The others were ready to take over the ships and turn back.
But Christopher believed in himself and convinced his crew to have faith in him.
Read on and discover how this ordinary Italian mapmaker went on to revolutionize the course of history forever.