Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Marco Pierre White, Heston Blumenthal...For too long our lives have been invaded by a chequered-panted bunch of soufflé botherers who seem only interested in one thing - money, and making lots more of it.
They have left behind their kitchens, flogging stock cubes, spectacles, and ‘soft-open’ kettles, putting their names to restaurants they never actually cook in, and spend more time preening around on TV sofas plugging their next book or ready meal range than preparing food.
Journalist Alex Watts takes you on an amusing journey of bile-dripping rants to ponder the question...Was Keith Floyd, the TV cook who unleashed this monster in whites on the world, joking when he said all celebrity chefs should be napalmed? Or should they just all be deported to Devil’s Island so we might have a chance of getting some decent food programmes back on the telly?
They have left behind their kitchens, flogging stock cubes, spectacles, and ‘soft-open’ kettles, putting their names to restaurants they never actually cook in, and spend more time preening around on TV sofas plugging their next book or ready meal range than preparing food.
Journalist Alex Watts takes you on an amusing journey of bile-dripping rants to ponder the question...Was Keith Floyd, the TV cook who unleashed this monster in whites on the world, joking when he said all celebrity chefs should be napalmed? Or should they just all be deported to Devil’s Island so we might have a chance of getting some decent food programmes back on the telly?