The CCNA Data Center (640-911) Practice Exam helps prepare you for Cisco's 640-911 exam. The practice exam does not contain any brain dump questions (which are so harmful to our industry). Rather, it contains a set of 73 questions covering topics on the actual exam (as identified on Cisco's exam blueprint).
However, the most valuable part of the practice exam is the detailed explanation of why each correct answer is correct. The practice exam is written entirely by CCIEs who are passionate about Cisco technologies. With this resource, instead of memorizing answers, you'll learn the technology at a deeper level, helping you be successful not only on the exam, but in the real world.
However, the most valuable part of the practice exam is the detailed explanation of why each correct answer is correct. The practice exam is written entirely by CCIEs who are passionate about Cisco technologies. With this resource, instead of memorizing answers, you'll learn the technology at a deeper level, helping you be successful not only on the exam, but in the real world.