Is the Lord leading you to grow your family through Christian Adoption? Did you know 3 out of 5 people are touched by adoption? Have you been praying about expanding your family through adoption? Called to Adoption is a clear, easy-to-read guide for Christians who want to step forward in faith and answer God's call to adopt. This is a valuable handbook as you take the steps needed to fulfill His desires for your life.
You will discover:
- The single most important decision to make
before beginning any path to adoption.
- How to select the right adoption professional.
- Creative ideas to fund your adoption.
- The proven formula for adoption success.
- The shocking need for Christian Adoption.
- Encouragement from God's word
as you move through His plan.
- How to quickly get started toward adoption.
- What action to take now that you've felt God
nudging you to adopt.
You will discover:
- The single most important decision to make
before beginning any path to adoption.
- How to select the right adoption professional.
- Creative ideas to fund your adoption.
- The proven formula for adoption success.
- The shocking need for Christian Adoption.
- Encouragement from God's word
as you move through His plan.
- How to quickly get started toward adoption.
- What action to take now that you've felt God
nudging you to adopt.